Drugs & Alcohol

A sobering thought

Drugs & Alcohol

McLaughlin & Harvey prohibits people from working on its premises / sites if impaired by drugs and / or alcohol.

No persons shall
• Report or try to report to work whilst impaired by alcohol or drugs (illegal or otherwise)
• Be in possession of alcohol or illegal drugs on sites / premises
• Consume alcohol, illegal drugs or abuse substances when visiting or working on McLaughlin & Harvey sites / premises
• Attempt to sell, distribute or supply alcohol or drugs whilst on McLaughlin & Harvey sites / premises

Certain clients / specific contracts may require that contractors make themselves available for random, post-accident / incident or 'with cause' drug and alcohol testing. Contractors are required to cooperate fully in this respect.

McLaughlin & Harvey reserves the right to undertake random drug / alcohol testing on its sites and premises after prior notification to relevant employees and contractors.