McLaughlin & Harvey conducts business honestly, transparently and beyond compliance. We value our reputation for ethical behaviour, financial probity, and reliability. How we conduct our business is critical to our success as an employer, partner, and neighbour of choice.
We realise the potential of projects beyond the build. Guided by a collaborative approach, McLaughlin & Harvey partners with our clients to shape the built environment sustainably and considerately, fulfilling our commitments.
Shauna Young
Head of Responsible Business
Guided by our core values, McLaughlin & Harvey is committed to responsible business practices through environmental social governance (ESG) that embody ethical corporate behaviour and social responsibility.

We Collaborate
Through active engagement with our stakeholders, including our workforce, the value chain, and communities, we identify factors of material significance to us. Our ongoing collaborations will support the creation of meaningful impact measurable to the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

We Commit
By integrating our ESG priorities into our strategy, reporting, and assurance policies, we embark on a journey of continuous improvement. Our commitment involves investing in specialist resources, training, and technology, as well as endorsing peer learning and review. Our aim is to conduct our business ethically, honestly, transparently, and beyond compliance.

We Care
Genuinely caring for the wellbeing of all our stakeholders, the environment, and the communities we serve, we prioritise responsible behaviours. We commit to a Just Transition to a greener, fairer, healthier, and more sustainable future.